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World Shorebirds Day

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World Shorebirds Day is an annual event that celebrates these amazing creatures and increases awareness about the importance of shorebird conservation.

Join birders and nature enthusiasts around the world to recognize the diverse birds that live on the planet’s shorelines. Sadly 50 percent of the shorebird species are now in decline largely due to loss of their habitat.

When is World Shorebirds Day?

Every year, World Shorebirds Day is celebrated on September 6.

On this day, join birders and nature enthusiasts around the world to recognize the many birds that call the shores home.

This bird holiday was launched in 2014, founded by Hungarian birder and conservationist Gyorgy Szimuly as a way to increase awareness about these amazing creatures and the importance of shorebird conservation.

Today World Shorebirds Day is celebrated in over 50 countries around the world.

How to Celebrate World Shorebird Day

Here are some ways that you can celebrate this special day:

  1. Take part in a Global Shorebird Count! The week surrounding World Shorebird Day marks the Global Shorebird Count. You can use eBird to record your observations.
  2. Educate yourself and others about shorebirds. Shorebirds are migratory birds that depend on coastal habitats for breeding, feeding, and roosting. Unfortunately, these habitats are under threat from human activity such as development, pollution, and climate change. Educating yourself and others about these issues is one of the best ways to help give shorebirds a fighting chance.
  3. Go birding! One of the best ways to celebrate shorebirds is simply to go out and look for them. See how many different species you can spot in your area and take photos or make sketches to document your findings. If you’re lucky enough to live near a coastline, head on down to your local beach or estuary and see what kinds of shorebirds you can find there. Not only is this a great way to enjoy nature, but it’s also a great way to collect data that can be used in shorebird conservation efforts.

Follow Along on Social Media

Follow @WorldShorebirdsDay on Twitter and share your shorebird photos on your favorite social channels with ##worldshorebirdsday.

How will you be celebrating World Shorebirds Day? Remember, every action counts when it comes to helping these amazing birds!

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Paris Permenter and John Bigley
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